
US Burden of disease

The United States spends the most per capita on health care across all countries, yet lacks universal health coverage, and lags behind other high-income countries for life expectancy. and many other health outcome measures.From 1990 to 2010, the US made substantial progress in improving health. Life expectancy increased and all-cause death rates at all ages decreased. However, morbidity and chronic disability now account for nearly half of the US health burden, and improvements in population health in the US are slower than for many other high-income countries.
In this report, burden of disease in the US has been studied to determine how these health burdens have changed over the last 2 decades, and to compare the United States with other Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries. This infographic from the Best Master of Science in Nursing Degrees summarizes it very nicely  
Sick! Epidemic of Chronic Diseases

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